The Law of Attraction is based on the scientific law that states Energies with similar frequencies attract each other.  So as per this law, you are attracting and thus creating your life. Whatever your current state is, you have created it and so if you want to change your life, you have to change your frequency. So how do you that?

Now, there are many methods to change your frequency and attract the life you want. One of them is saying affirmations, then there is visualization, vision board and so on. Depending on your style you can choose one of them , however you can use all of them as well. For example, if you are a visual person then visualization would be ideal for you. Affirmations are suitable for people who are auditory in nature. So here we will look into affirmations which is one of the simplest yet powerful techniques of law of attraction.

Affirmations are sentences we repeat. Since words have energy and each word has a frequency, by repeating the right words you can change our frequency. However there are 3 rules that need to be followed while creating the affirmations:

  1. It must be in present tense. For example, if you have a goal of working in an MNC, the affirmation can be I feel so happy and grateful that Iam working in an MNC. Another example, if you have a goal to reduce weight, your affirmations can be, I feel so happy and excited that I have reduced my weight now.


  1. It must be positive. Let us take the same examples, it should not be Iam so happy that I didn’t get job in a non MNC, instead it should be Iam so happy that Iam working in an MNC. Similarly, it should not be, I feel so happy that I did not gain weight, instead I feel so happy that I have reduced my weight now.


  1. It must be precise. This means focus should be on result and not on the process. Again going back to the same example, it should not be I feel happy that by passing the interview  Iam now  working in an MNC , also it should not be I feel so that happy and excited that by exercising daily and controlling my food habits I have reduced my weight now.


So , if you create affirmations using the above rules and start repeating them daily, you will see the results happening in our life.