Today as I was on my way to office , I happened to see this trailer, I should admit that I do see lot of trailers almost everyday but this time something struck me and I experienced a SERENDIPITY. If you really look at this trailer, it’s actually the...

Uncertainity Vs Certainity

    We all strive for certainty and the feeling of being in control of our life. We would like to predict our future with certainty and security . But the irony is that best things generally happen to us when we embrace the unknown which keeps us open and...

Asking For Help

When was the last time you asked someone for help? Chances are high that you don’t remember it. No worries:-), in this internet era, where you can find anything online , who will bother to go to ask someone for help. However, there are certain situations where...

Stress Reduction in Nature

    As I looked towards the sky today, I realized that no matter what is happening down here in earth, the sky always remains there looking at all the events happening below , silently sending a message to us – Amongst all the changes happening every...

Cooperation Vs Competition

  Yesterday I happened to visit a park in the midst of the city and was forced by the universal force to capture this view which give me a moment of reflection – Although the majestic city towers and the enchanting park are inherently beautiful in their own...